UI Guidelines
User Interface (UI) guidelines for AppNest serve as a framework to ensure a consistent and cohesive design, enhancing both the usability and aesthetics of the UI.
By constructing a clear layout, typography, color schemes, navigation, and other design elements, UI guidelines enable developers to create intuitive, user-friendly interfaces that align with the brand identity.
Consistent adherence to these guidelines helps provide a smooth app submission process in terms of UI.
Note: It is mandatory to utilize Twigs to construct the UI.
- Configure the fonts by adding the tag for the font specifications on the index.html file, instead of adding the @import in the index.css file.
- Make sure to set the font family on the ThemeProvider in the app.js file as well
<ThemeProvider theme={{
fonts: {
body: "'DM sans', sans-serif"
- Configure the colors of your app on the ThemeProvider of Twigs
- Colors used in the app need to align with the SurveySparrow UI theme
colors: {
primary: '#4A9CA6'
- Twigs provides a CSS property on most of its components to add custom CSS.
- It is strictly restricted to not use any of Twigs Components’ class names to override the styles as the class names get changed on production.
backgroundColor: '$primary100'
Alert Messages
- Use Twigs’ built-in Toast component to display alert messages and notifications.
- Make sure to pass customized and understandable error messages and not the actual API error messages.
- The notifications should be short and precise and shouldn’t be confusing to the users.
function App () {
return (
<Toastr duration={10000} />
<App />
- Twigs comes with a react icons library called twigs-react-icons which provides all the necessary icons that align with SurveySparrow’s theme.
- These icons are pre-built and optimized, which simplifies the process of embedding an icon with easy customizations such as size.
import { AddColumnIcon } from '@sparrowengg/twigs-react-icons';
const App = () => {
return <AddColumnIcon />;
External Packages
- When installing any NPM packages, make sure that it is up-to-date and that they can be used on the client side.
- Avoid packages that cause an issue when running on the client side as the configuration for your react application might not support the package.
Embed Third Party Applications
- Your react application built using SSDK CLI is rendered on an Iframe.
- If you wish to integrate a third-party application to get rendered on this Iframe, then place the embed code given by the third-party application in the body tag on the index.html page.
- Ensure that the embed code is a valid secure one provided by the third-party application.